My Review Policy

 It is one of the goals on my blog to review books on a regular basis. I have a whole list of books to read at any given time, but I DO accept suggestions, and will GLADLY review ARCs, as long as they’re in print form, although on a rare occasion I will read a digital copy.* If you have a book that you would like me to review, please email me at

I will do my best to review every book fairly (and major spoiler free), although I am completely entitled to my opinion. As a writer myself, I know the struggle and long hours writing a novel takes, and I’m not even published- I cannot begin to imagine that journey! I give up to five “espressos”   for each book, (five being the most) and would love to hear your opinion!

Molly, theknittingnerd

up-to-date as of June 7th, 2010

*I give special, high-priority attention to ARCs, putting them next up after whatever I’m reading at the moment.